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🚧 DMNO is still in beta! Use with caution!
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Helper methods


defineDmnoService({ opts })

See the service config in the schema guide for more information.

This method is used to define the configuration schema in each of your services, including the root. It takes an object as an argument with the following properties:

type DmnoServiceConfig = {
isRoot?: boolean,
name?: string,
settings?: {
dynamicConfig: DynamicConfigModes,
schema: Record<string, ConfigItemDefinitionOrShorthand>,
// rest of props only available when isRoot !== true
parent?: string,
tags?: string[],
pick?: Array<PickConfigItemDefinition | string>,

Note that when isRoot is true, some of the options are not available:

  • parent is the name of the parent service.
  • tags is an array of tags for the service.
  • pick is an array of items to pick from the parent or other services. This can be a string (the key) or a PickConfigItemDefinition object.


The PickItemDefinition type is an object with the following properties:

type PickConfigItemDefinition = {
/** which service to pick from, defaults to "root" */
source?: string;
/** key(s) to pick, or function that matches against all keys from source */
key: string | Array<string> | ((key: string) => boolean),
/** new key name or function to rename key(s) */
renameKey?: string | ((key: string) => string),
/** function to transform value(s) */
transformValue?: (value: any) => any,


import { defineDmnoService, DmnoBaseTypes } from 'dmno';
export default defineDmnoService({
name: 'MyConfig',
parent: 'root',
pick: [
key: 'ITEM0',
key: 'ITEM1',
renameKey: 'NEW_ITEM1',
key: 'ITEM2',
transformValue: (value) => `${value} transformed`,
schema: {
MYFIELD: DmnoBaseTypes.string({
required: true,
MYFIELD2: DmnoBaseTypes.number({
required: true,
MYFIELD3: DmnoBaseTypes.boolean({
required: true,


The DynamicConfigModes type has the following values:

type DynamicConfigModes =
/* non-sensitive = static, sensitive = dynamic (this is the default) */
'public_static' |
/* everything static, dynamic not supported */
'only_static' |
/* everything dynamic, static not supported */
'only_dynamic' |
/* default is static */
'default_static' |
/* default_dynamic */


The ConfigItemDefinition type is an object with the following properties:

type ConfigItemDefinition = {
asyncValidate?: function(),
coerce?: function(),
description?: string,
dynamic?: boolean,
exampleValue?: any,
expose?: boolean,
extends?: DmnoDataType | string | () => DmnoDataType,
externalDocs?: { description?, url } | Array<{ description?, url }>,
required?: boolean,
sensitive?: boolean,
summary?: string,
typeDescription?: string,
ui?: { color, icon },
useAt?: 'build' | 'boot' | 'run' | 'deploy' ,
validate?: function(),
value?: InlineValueResolverDef

Examples illustrating implicit and explicit type extensions:

import { defineDmnoService, DmnoBaseTypes } from 'dmno';
export default defineDmnoService({
schema: {
ITEM0: {}, // defaults to string
ITEM1: 'string',
ITEM2: DmnoBaseTypes.string,
ITEM3: DmnoBaseTypes.string(),
ITEM4: {
extends: 'string',
ITEM5: {
extends: DmnoBaseTypes.string,
ITEM6: {
extends: DmnoBaseTypes.string({}),


createDmnoDataType({ opts })

This method is used to create a new data type. It takes an object as an argument with the following properties:

type DataTypeOpts = {
name: string;
extends: string | DmnoDataType | (() => DmnoDataType);
settingsSchema?: Record<string, unknown>;
validate?: (ctx, settings) => boolean;
coerce?: (ctx, settings) => unknown;


const myType = createDmnoDataType({
name: 'MyType',
extends: DmnoBaseTypes.string({
// string specific settings object
settingsSchema: {
// user type specific settings object
validate: (value) => {
// return true if value is valid
// has access to settingsSchema
coerce: (value) => {
// return coerced value
// has access to settingsSchema

You can then use it in your config schema like so:

const myType = DmnoBaseTypes.MyType({ settings });
export default defineDmnoService({
name: 'MyConfig',
parent: 'root',
schema: {
extends: myType,
required: true,


switchBy('SWITCH_BY_KEY': string, { opts })

This method is used to define different configurations for different values of a particular config item. Its arguments are a string (i.e., the key name) and an object with the following properties:

type opts = {
_default: any;
[key: string]: any;

Note: _default is a reserved key that will be used if the current value is not found. All the other keys should match the possible values of the SWITCH_BY_KEY config item. You must set _default value in the switch object, even if it is _default: undefined.


import { switchBy } from 'dmno';
export default defineDmnoService({
schema: {
value: 'val1',
// MY_CONFIG_ITEM will be 'first value'
value: switchBy('SWITCH_BY_KEY', {
_default: 'default value',
val1: 'first value',
val2: 'second value',
val3: 'third value',


switchByNodeEnv({ opts })

This method is used to define different configurations for different environments. It takes an object as an argument with the following properties:

type SwitchByNodeEnvOpts = {
_default: any;
development?: any;
staging?: any;
production?: any;
[key: string]: any;

Note: _default is a reserved key that will be used if the current environment is not defined in the object. All the other keys should match the possible values of the NODE_ENV environment variable.


import { switchByNodeEnv } from 'dmno';
export default defineDmnoService({
schema: {
value: switchByNodeEnv({
_default: 'default value',
development: 'development value',
staging: 'staging value',
production: 'production value',