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🚧 DMNO is still in beta! Use with caution!
✨ If you've tried DMNO or looked through the docs, let us know what you think!

Platforms overview

We publish first-party packages to help you use DMNO with your favourite deployment platforms.

In many cases, you may not need to do anything special, but our platform-specific config schemas will give you a nicer experience using the environment variables that your platform may inject while running your code. For example:

Platform config schema example


Package: @dmno/netlify-platform


  • Config schema of env vars injected by the Netlify platform
  • Netlify-specific data types
  • Netlify build plugin


Package: @dmno/vercel-platform


  • Config schema of env vars injected by the Vercel platform
  • Vercel-specific data types

Next up

We’re already working on more platform integrations, but we’d love to hear from you which platforms to tackle next!

On the roadmap:

  • Cloudflare
  • Heroku