dmno resolve
Description: Loads the resolved config for a service
-f,--format <format>
format to output resolved config (ex. json)
only loads public (non-sensitive) values
shows all items, even when config is failing
watch for config changes and re-run
-p,--phase <phase>
resolve in specific phase
skips config cache altogether, will not read or write
clears the cache before continuing, will write new values to cache
-s, --service [service]
which service to load
-np, --no-prompt
do not prompt for service selection
# Loads the resolved config for the root servicedmno resolve
# Loads the resolved config for service1dmno resolve --service service1
# Loads the resolved config for service1 in JSON formatdmno resolve --service service1 --format json
# Loads the resolved config for service1 and outputs it in .env file formatdmno resolve --service service1 --format env
# Loads the resolved config for service1 and outputs it in .env file format and writes to .env.localdmno resolve --service service1 --format env >> .env.local