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Infisical plugin

This DMNO plugin allows you to securely access your secrets stored in Infisical. The current implementation uses Machine Identities and Universal Auth. If you need to use a different authentication method, please open an issue and we can discuss options.

DMNO installation & setup

Install the package in the service(s) that will use secrets from Infisical.

Terminal window
npm add @dmno/infisical-plugin

After installation, you’ll need to initialize the plugin in your config.mts and add a few config items that are necessary to authenticate with Infisical and fetch secrets. It’s ok if you have not created the machine identity or client keys - we’ll do that in the next section.

import { InfisicalDmnoPlugin, InfisicalTypes } from '@dmno/infisical-plugin';
// explicitly wire the plugin instance to the config path
const infisicalPlugin = new InfisicalDmnoPlugin('infisical/dev', {
environment: 'development',
clientId: configPath('..', 'INFISICAL_CLIENT_ID'),
clientSecret: configPath('..', 'INFISICAL_CLIENT_SECRET'),
projectId: configPath('..', 'INFISICAL_PROJECT_ID'),
// or you can inject by default
const infisicalPlugin2 = new InfisicalDmnoPlugin('infisical/prod', {
environment: 'production',
export default defineDmnoService({
schema: {
// ...
INFISICAL_CLIENT_ID: { extends: InfisicalTypes.clientId },
INFISICAL_CLIENT_SECRET: { extends: InfisicalTypes.clientSecret },
INFISICAL_PROJECT_ID: { extends: InfisicalTypes.projectId },
// ...

Infisical setup

Project & secrets

If you are an existing Infisical user, you probably already have projects and secrets. If not, you should create at least one project. Infisical uses the concept of environments to group secrets. Make sure to make your secrets available in the same environment configuration as each plugin instance.

Machine identity & client keys

Next, you’ll need to create a Machine Identity in your Organization under Access Control. Make note of the Client ID and create a new Client Secret. Then in your project, make sure the identity you created has the necessary access. This is configured in the project settings under the Access Control -> Machine Identities tab.

How you want to segment your identities and secrets is up to you. You could create a separate identity and secrets for each environment, or each service, or each project. At minimum, we recommend segmenting your production and non-production secrets. See Secret Segmentation for more details.

Also note that the Client Secret is highly sensitive and should be treated as your secret zero. It will need to be set locally and passed in as an override. Locally, it can be set in your .env.local file, and in any deployed environments it can be set however you normally set environment variables for that platform. DMNO will handle the rest. See Setting overrides for more details.

Adding items to your schema

The Infisical plugin provides one method for fetching secrets, based on the name of the secret. The name itself will be inferred from the config item name. You can optionally pass a name if you wish to override the default.

import { InfisicalDmnoPlugin, InfisicalTypes } from '@dmno/infisical-plugin';
const infisicalPlugin = new InfisicalDmnoPlugin('infisical/dev', {
environment: 'development',
export default defineDmnoService({
schema: {
// this will fetch the secret with the name 'SOME_SECRET' from the project specified in the plugin instance
value: infisicalPlugin.secret(),
// this will fetch the secret with the name 'SOME_OTHER_SECRET' and make it available as SOME_NEW_SECRET in your DMNO_CONFIG
value: infisicalPlugin.secret('SOME_OTHER_SECRET'),

Self-hosted Infisical

If you are using a self-hosted version of Infisical, the InfisicalDmnoPlugin takes an optional siteUrl parameter. For example:

import { InfisicalDmnoPlugin, InfisicalTypes } from '@dmno/infisical-plugin';
const infisicalPlugin = new InfisicalDmnoPlugin('infisical/dev', {
environment: 'development',
siteUrl: '',