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✨ If you've tried DMNO or looked through the docs, let us know what you think!


Remix doesn’t provide any env var tooling itself, but their docs do mention a few tips. Using DMNO, we make managing your configuration in Remix apps even simpler, and provide a ton of additional features including:

  • type safety + validation
  • leak detection and prevention
  • full control over server/client bundling behaviour
  • built-in support for fetching dynamic config items on the client

Initialize your Remix integration

Using dmno init we will automatically detect that you are using Remix and install the necessary packages and configuration for you.

Terminal window
npx dmno init

Skip to Configure… once this is complete.

Manual Setup

If you prefer, you can install dmno itself and the @dmno/remix-integration package manually:

Terminal window
npm add @dmno/remix-integration dmno

Then, in your vite.config.ts file, import and initialize our dmnoRemixVitePlugin and dmnoRemixPreset:

import { dmnoRemixVitePlugin, dmnoRemixPreset } from "@dmno/remix-integration";
import { vitePlugin as remix } from "@remix-run/dev";
import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import tsconfigPaths from "vite-tsconfig-paths";
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
future: {
v3_fetcherPersist: true,
v3_relativeSplatPath: true,
v3_throwAbortReason: true,
presets: [dmnoRemixPreset()],

Configure your environment variables

dmno init will scaffold out the schema in your config.mts files based on your existing .env files. See our Schema Guide for the specifics of how to author additional updates to your DMNO schema.

Accessing config

Use DMNO_CONFIG and DMNO_PUBLIC_CONFIG instead of process.env 🎉

You’ll now have fully typed and validated config, fine grained control over static/dynamic behaviour, and some cool security features described below.

Security, secrets, and leak detection

Only DMNO_PUBLIC_CONFIG is available in code running on the client. That said, since Remix does so much magic under the hood, it can be difficult to reason about whether the code you are writing will run on the server, client, or both. This makes it difficult to be 100% certain that your sensitive config will not be leaked.

To protect you from this risk, DMNO does has several security related features:

  • Leak detection - built client-side code and server-rendered responses are scanned for any sensitive config items
  • Log redaction - sensitive config values are redacted from console.log output and other console methods
  • HTTP request interception - http requests are intercepted and stopped if sending sensitive config to the disallowed domains

These features are opt-in - check out the security guide for more details.

Dynamic public config

If you’d like to be able to alter certain configuration values at boot time and load them in the client rather than relying on values bundled into your code, you need to expose an API endpoint which exposes this public+dynamic config.

See the dynamic config guide for more details.

NOTE - fetching this config makes a blocking http request, so you should think carefully about if and how you use this feature, especially if performance is important your site. See the dynamic config guide for more details.