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Astro Integration

At DMNO we love Astro. This very site is built with it! That’s why we’re very excited to make it easier and safer to use environment variables in all of your Astro-powered projects, whether it’s on the client or the server.


Initialize your Astro integration

Using dmno init will automatically detect that you are using Astro and install the necessary packages and configuration for you.

Terminal window
npx dmno init

Skip to Configure… once this is complete.

Manual install instructions

If you prefer, you can install the dmno and @dmno/astro-integration packages manually:

Terminal window
npm add @dmno/astro-integration dmno

Update your astro.config.mjs - import the plugin, and add to defineConfig:

import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
import dmnoAstroIntegration from '@dmno/astro-integration';
export default defineConfig({
// ...
integrations: [dmnoAstroIntegration()],

Configure your environment variables

dmno init will scaffold out the schema in your config.mts files based on any existing .env files and references to process.env/import.meta.env found within your codebase. See our Schema Guide for the specifics of how to author additional updates to your DMNO schema.

Accessing config

DMNO globally injects your config into your application. You can access it via:

  • DMNO_CONFIG - includes all of your config items
  • DMNO_PUBLIC_CONFIG - includes only items not marked with sensitive: true

You can now access these with full type-safety and autocompletion just about everywhere in your code - including astro components, vue/react/etc, mdx files, even your astro.config.*!

Protecting secrets from leaking

In theory, you should only access DMNO_PUBLIC_CONFIG on the client, and you can access both DMNO_CONFIG and DMNO_PUBLIC_CONFIG on the server.

Sounds easy, right? Except in a world of hybrid client/server rendering and rehydration, and when you may actually need sensitive config during a server-side render, it can be hard to keep track of what is getting rendered where.

So, we make it easy for you:

  • Within the browser/client, you only have access to DMNO_PUBLIC_CONFIG and if you try to access DMNO_CONFIG, we’ll throw a helpful error 🛑
  • We detect leaked secrets in built JS code and server-rendered responses, just in case you leaked a secret into ANYTHING getting sent over the wire (opt-in via preventClientLeaks service setting)
  • We redact sensitive data from logs (opt-in via redactSensitiveLogs service setting)
  • We intercept HTTP requests if you send sensitive config somewhere it’s not supposed to go (opt-in via interceptSensitiveLeakRequests service setting)

Leaked secret error an example of our middleware in action

Check out the security guide for more details on our opt-in security features.

Static vs dynamic config

DMNO gives you explicit control over how your config items are treated - whether they will be replaced into your bundled code at build time (i.e., static), or reloaded at boot time (i.e., dynamic). See the dynamic config guide for more details.

Client-side loading of dynamic config is automatically enabled if you are not using output: 'static' mode and you have non-sensitive dynamic config items in your schema. It will be fetched on-demand, so if you don’t use those items on the client, that’s also fine. This integration will automatically inject the API route required to fetch public+dynamic config.

Additionally, this integration throws an error during astro build if you try to use a dynamic config item during a pre-render of any static page/endpoint - regardless of the output mode you are using.

No matter what, dealing with config in a hybrid server/client rendering setup is confusing and full of footguns, so we do our best to protect you 🛡️ and make it as easy as possible.

Common recipes

Using env vars within astro.config.*

It’s often useful to be able to access configuration / env vars within your Astro config. Without DMNO, it’s a bit awkward, but DMNO makes it dead simple - in fact it’s already available! Just reference config vars via DMNO_CONFIG.SOME_ITEM like you do everywhere else.

In most Astro projects, it should just work, but if you are seeing type errors about DMNO_CONFIG not existing, you can add a triple slash reference to the generated types. For example:

/// <reference types="./.dmno/.typegen/global.d.ts" />
import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
// ...

see our TypeScript guide for more details.

Injecting config into markdown files

Markdown files are processed by Astro but treated as pure content without evaluating any javsascript. So if you need to inject any DMNO_CONFIG values, you’ll need to use MDX instead.

See @astrojs/mdx integration

Then you need to use JSX within your markdown content. For example:

# Header with config item { DMNO_PUBLIC_CONFIG.SOME_VAR }

For links, you’ll need to use the html/jsx version rather than a markdown style link:

Join us on our <a href={DMNO_PUBLIC_CONFIG.DISCORD_JOIN_URL}>Discord</a>
Join us on our [Discord]({ DMNO_PUBLIC_CONFIG.DISCORD_JOIN_URL })

Injecting config into inline script tags

Another case where Astro may not process the code you write and inject DMNO_CONFIG is within the body of an inline script. Attributes do work though, so here is one workaround you can use:


window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
function gtag() {
gtag("js", new Date());
// we can reference the attributes of the current script tag
gtag("config", "G-12345");
gtag("config", gtmid);